
Underline your text. Great fast way to plave emphasis on your text. Compatible with many browsers.

Attribute Description
class Classify or name your elements. For instance, if you classify several paragraph elements the same name, using CSS it is possible to give them all the same styles in one line of code.
dir Change the display of text from left to right, or right to left. Very useful in language translation.
id Specify an ID for your elements.
lang Define the language to display your element in. Here's a link to the abbreviations of languages. http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/iso639a.html
style Used to create inline styles such as CSS.
title Places a "pop-up" title for an element upon mouse over. Similar to "help" pop-ups in word programs.


<p><u>Underline</u> anything you see as important.</p>


Underline anything you see as important.